Picking The Perfect Artwork For Your Company

Put Some Diligent Thought Into This, And You’ll Reap The Benefits

The healthcare sector may be big business, but when anyone enters the premises of these facilities, the powers that be want you to think they’re anything but big business.

They strive for a warm feel, an inviting feel. And a large part of this is not only a matter of color choices on the walls and the types of furniture featured, but the artwork on the walls, as well.

“People often don’t immediately notice artwork when they first walk into some place new, but studies have shown they ‘feel it” when combined with other aesthetic aspects,” says Margot Dark, who along with her husband Andy, founded Contract Pictures Framers Inc., of Cherry Hill, N.J., 30 years ago, and which caters to the healthcare industry with artwork selection, custom framing and on-premises installation. “The artwork companies select say something about them, and that can’t be underestimated.”

“Art is part of our culture here,” notes a senior staff member of a large senior residential community development firm, which worked with Dark and her company in selecting artwork for their headquarters. “And since we decided to put more of an emphasis on it, we’ve noticed more residents, employees and visitors alike take notice in a complimentary way. This is nothing but a positive for us.”

As part of a company’s overall branding strategy, Dark offers these tips in selecting the right artwork for your company’s walls:

  • Keep It Simple – Most walls look great with simple wall art. You really don’t have to choose something with a complex design in order for it to enhance the space you are decorating. Something complex could completely change the mood you are trying to create. Simplicity will directly convey a message to anyone that looks at them.
  • Inspiration – Wall art can be a valuable source of inspiration for people that view them. Motivational art work can inspire residents, employees and guests and are always a good choice. Many people choose prints that give people hope in today’s stressful world.
  • First Instinct – No matter how nice a piece of art looks with your furnishings, if you don’t care for it, don’t buy it. Additionally, the art work should accurately reflect your company’s personality, giving employees and visitors a clear idea of the attitude or mission of the organization. “There are so many styles of wall art available these days that it’s easy to find something stunning that reflects your organization’s unique personality to a tee,” adds Dark.
  • Mirror, Mirror On The Wall – Dark notes mirrors are always a terrific choice to incorporate into your selections. They come in all shapes and sizes, and help to open up small places, or expand on warm colors and furniture selections.

But above all, put some diligent thought into what you want on the walls of your business. It will set the tone, and with the right tone, everyone benefits – including your bottom line.

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